Yesterday, I went to the Finger Lakes Wine Festival and because it was held at Watkins Glen International Raceway, I got to ride in a pace car around the track. I'm not a race fan. But my best friend is, so I'm interested enough in it for her. And I wish she was there to ride too, but I knew she would love that I got to do it.
70mph on the "S" turns and nearly 100 on the straight aways. It was awesome. And for those three or four minutes around the track, I didn't think about anything. NOTHING.
And then this morning, at the gym, I decided to go in and try to beat my 5K time from May. You'll remember it was 40:48. I ran about two minutes of every five, kept track of my pace, and clocked in at 39:45!
And so while I really thought I would have a referral from Ethiopia by now, I'm excited that I've got things moving forward with domestic. I completed the court paperwork and mailed it back to my attorney to file. And so in six weeks or less, I will be "on the market" for potential birth mothers to fall in love with me.
Six, 14, 70,'s all just numbers, and I'm choosing to only look at the fun ones right now.
Ahhh...numbers. Mine are: 2 (kids I have), 4 (kids I want), 17 (months waiting), 13.1 (miles I'm training to run), 1.4 (hours past my bedtime spent reading blogs tonight)!